NoisyVision a constantly growing community, and yet has already started to make a difference for the members and volounteers involved in its activities. Sharing and communicating is at the heart of what we do, and each story is important. How about contributing with yours?
You love writing and have a passion for either music, literature, politics, science or more? Were your cultural passions shaped by a vision/hearing impairment, and how are they part of your life with it? You can share your powerful insights and become one of our bloggers.
Are you a curious, always updated person, liking to be be informed and to inform? You can contribute to NoisyVision aggregator functions with links and documents, and help it provide a wider range of information by becoming a Content Editor.
You already are a social-media pro, mastering the language of different platforms and able to reach interested people through the web? You could become our Social Media agent, the voice of NoisyVision on the web.
Help us to organize trekking and travel itineraries in Italy and abroad. Do you love the mountain and traveling? Then you are the right person to help us implement these initiatives. Help us to proove how it is possible to live passions despite disability and through the development of appropriate strategies. We invite people together to have fun and to touch with their hands how often the limits dictated by preconceptions and fears are much more disabling than the sensory limits themselves.
You have ideas, proposals, projects on your own, other ways to contribute? Just contact us, and let us know the ways you could help!
Fill the online form
Pay the annual fee of 25,00 Euro
bank details bank account: 100000156980 Name: NoisyVision Onlus IBAN: IT92M0306909606100000156980 BIC: BCITITMM PayPal click here