Today in the morning we did the presentations of each country of the participants and each team of each country had to choose four photos to show the difficulties that we have met in our countries relating them to the qualities circle examined the day before.
Leggi The exploration day would have been quite useless without a proper reflection done in the groups that the participants formed the day before.
By learning in groups, we could see the difference from each culture and how other countries may have better or worse services for people with low vision.
Leggi The first day of the programme was about getting to know each other, establishing the ground rules,outlining the programme for the week, putting down our fears, expectations and reasons to participate inthe workshop.
Leggi Today 6th May 2013 the 16 participants of
The Visionary Europe are arriving in Berlin.
The first 3 arrivals are already in the morning: 3 people from Finland.
Leggi In fila indiana, con la mano sulla spalla della persona di fronte, stiamo per entrare nella sala dell’ Unsicht Bar, il ristorante al buio di Berlino.
Leggi Ladies and gentlemen,
Dear friends,
It is a great pleasure and an honour to welcome you on behalf of the Organizing Committee to the17th Retina International World Congress in Hamburg (Germany).
Leggi Il 14 e il 15 Luglio 2012
in occasione del
ad Amburgo, Germania
è stato annunciata ufficialmente l’apertura delle iscrizioni a
The Visionary Europe
Un Grundtivg Workshop del
Programma di Apprendimento Permanente dell’Unione Europea.
Leggi La percezione uditiva è un fenomeno complesso, in cui le caratteristiche fisiche del suono ricevuto, la fisiologica dell’orecchio e l’attività neuronale del cervello interagiscono in modo sottile.