Considerations of a traveler with Usher Syndrome

Other photos of the trip I recently returned from a wonderful trip to Morocco. It was since a while that I was not traveling alone, but in recent years I have traveled a lot, especially between 2008 and 2010, when for almost two years I traveled the world aboard a vessel of ferrocement .

The music for an hearing impaired

I have not written about music yet. In a blog of/for the deaf and hearing impaired (and blind and visually impaired) it should have be a topic of prime importance to deal with at the third post or so.

Who cares about the Syndrome!

I tried to find statistics that quantify how many people are suffering from a syndrome. Anyone. I found some data that illustrates the situation of disabled people in the world “a worldwide estimate of about a 10-12% rate of disability seems reasonable.

Usher Syndrome and Facebook. The best and most followed pages to be always updated on Retinitis Pigmentosa and Hearing Loss

Almost all those who are suffering from rare and incurable diseasefeel the need to be in touch with others and find information on research, treatments, therapies and technologies, but in many cases the disease is so rare that it is not easy to meet personally someone with the same physical, psychological and social, conditions to exchange point of views, suggestions and experiences.