When Usher Syndrome is a superpower. The considerations of a superhero with retinitis pigmentosa

Often when people hear about retinitis pigmentosa or Usher syndrome, they become sad, look down, they put a hand on your shoulder, and often say: “I’m sorry …” as if there was some grief to deal with; two of the psychotherapist I went, when I told them my night misadventures held a look, like when you see a dog without a leg, or a deadpigeon on the street, an abandoned kitten, something like that.

Who was Helen Keller? An extraordinary example of revenge on deafblindness

Helen Adams Keller was an American writer, activist and teacher, deaf-blind since the age of 19 months. Her story and that of her teacher Anne Sullivan, it is surprising and unique, for will, determination and strength, so as to have inspired several movies (Deliverance, The Unconquered, Anna dei miracoli, The Miracle Worker).