retinite pigmentosa

It is hard to liveIt is hard to live

It is hard to live

The path of a degenerative disease leading to gradual loss of vision is very difficult. There are no proven, one-size-fits-all…

Tuesday February 28th, 2023
25 Tips to Make the Most of Life with Low (or No) Vision25 Tips to Make the Most of Life with Low (or No) Vision

25 Tips to Make the Most of Life with Low (or No) Vision

Having Difficulty Seeing? 25 Tips to Make the Most of Life with Low (or No) Vision By Tom Van Arman…

Saturday February 5th, 2022
A cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa: walking in natureA cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa: walking in nature

A cure for Retinitis Pigmentosa: walking in nature

It is a fact that to date there are no cures or therapies for retinitis pigmentosa. We have collected in…

Tuesday January 28th, 2020
#YellowTheWorld Tour – Reportage#YellowTheWorld Tour – Reportage

#YellowTheWorld Tour – Reportage

At the moment the reportage of the 3YellowTheWorld Tour is only available in Italian. Many images and information are on…

Monday June 5th, 2017
As you hope I will continue to liveAs you hope I will continue to live

As you hope I will continue to live

Do you really believe they will find a cure for this damn disease (RP)? This is the question I wrote…

Friday June 2nd, 2017
Being Dario. The video that shows how you live with retinitis pigmentosa.Being Dario. The video that shows how you live with retinitis pigmentosa.

Being Dario. The video that shows how you live with retinitis pigmentosa.

In these days I posted the video on youtube Being Dario. The draft idea came after the dust raised by…

Tuesday September 30th, 2014

Usher Syndrome and Facebook. The best and most followed pages to be always updated on Retinitis Pigmentosa and Hearing Loss

Almost all those who are suffering from rare and incurable diseasefeel the need to be in touch with others and…

Friday July 1st, 2011

Psychological aspects related to Usher Syndrome. How low vision and hearing loss transform the personality

Writing an article about psychology in relation to disability, and in particular, to Usher syndrome is a challenge not to…

Saturday June 25th, 2011
Sunlight and retinitis pigmentosa: ordinary sunglasses or amber lenses?Sunlight and retinitis pigmentosa: ordinary sunglasses or amber lenses?

Sunlight and retinitis pigmentosa: ordinary sunglasses or amber lenses?

I state (and repeat) that Noisyvision is not a scientific website and information are based on experience and research of…

Saturday June 25th, 2011