The music for an hearing impaired

I have not written about music yet. In a blog of/for the deaf and hearing impaired (and blind and visually impaired) it should have be a topic of prime importance to deal with at the third post or so.

Who cares about the Syndrome!

I tried to find statistics that quantify how many people are suffering from a syndrome. Anyone. I found some data that illustrates the situation of disabled people in the world “a worldwide estimate of about a 10-12% rate of disability seems reasonable.

The prince and the white cane

Once upon a time there was a young prince named Serhu. He was the son of a king who found himself without a kingdom, following a revolt of his people.

Deafpride: I am deaf and I am cool. Hearing aids are trendy

All deaf and hearing impaired people know that choosing a hearing aid is not simple. It ‘s such a personal hig-tech device that two individuals with the same audiogram may find benefit from two very different hearing aids for the type of sound response provided.