La Girobussola Onlus

The association La Girobussola, born in Bologna in october 2013, promote mobility of people with visual disability, intended as an opportunity to live a complete experience of travel, meeting, dialogue and exchange with a community, outside of the mainstream tourist networks and organized “all inclusive” tours.

vEyes Onlus

The vEyes project was born on June 20th, 2012 in order to initially create an open hardware / software platform, on which to integrate “building blocks”, that are solutions based on wearable technologies that can support people with visual impairment in daily actions (reading a text on paper, moving about avoiding obstacles, accessing drug information leaflets or label information on food products, integrating and making accessible biomedical devices such as glucometers or sphygmomanometers, etc.).


The aim of Artemisia is to create a network of Italian parents with disabled children, so that they can support each other and share personal experiences and useful information.

Become a member of NoisyVision.

There are many reasons why each of us decides to be part of a group, a team, an association. But there is a reason why being a member of NoisyVision Onlus really means wanting to change the world.

Through the limits and beyond

NoisyVision is a non-profit organization that helps people share resources and skills to improve the quality of life and the inclusion of those who have visual or hearing limitations.