Nadia Luppi

Nadia Luppi

L'ipovisione è stata ed è tuttora per me una maestra severa e implacabile. Il suo mutare e confondersi con lo standard che non ritrae mi ha insegnato a guardare oltre e a diffidare dalle risposte nette e certe che non lasciano spazio all'imponderabile. Mi occupo di filosofia, di comunicazione, di relazioni e naturalmente di processi inclusivi e di benessere. La mia formazione umanistica si fonda su una Laurea in Filosofia, altri studi universitari tra diritti umani e cooperazione, un diploma in counseling e varie attività di ricerca ed esperienza sul campo, a partire da un costante lavoro di analisi e rielaborazione del vissuto personale e relazionale.
Visual impairment and misunderstanding: the answer is in betweenVisual impairment and misunderstanding: the answer is in between

Visual impairment and misunderstanding: the answer is in between

How many times have we found ourselves mistaken for impostors or feeling unrecognized in our potential or difficulties? It happens…

Thursday July 25th, 2019
I am ashamed about my disability. Whose fault is it?I am ashamed about my disability. Whose fault is it?

I am ashamed about my disability. Whose fault is it?

The transition from shame to the acceptance of disability. from shadow to pride is a long, traumatic path that many…

Thursday January 17th, 2019
Yellow and .. blue. Autumn contrastsYellow and .. blue. Autumn contrasts

Yellow and .. blue. Autumn contrasts

NoisyVision has been promoting the #YellowTheWorld campaign for several years, to paint the world Yellow. We are sure that a…

Tuesday November 27th, 2018
Darkness and silence: Thoughts of EclipsesDarkness and silence: Thoughts of Eclipses

Darkness and silence: Thoughts of Eclipses

There are days that I intend to shape my thoughts into words, to write a coherent post that is also…

Friday July 27th, 2018
Via degli Dei: when a sensory journey becomes an emotional journeyVia degli Dei: when a sensory journey becomes an emotional journey

Via degli Dei: when a sensory journey becomes an emotional journey

Like an alchemist, Nadia knows how to distill the emotions that the passageway, la Via degli Dei, intended. She has…

Wednesday May 30th, 2018
If Venus stumbles. Between femininity and imperfectionsIf Venus stumbles. Between femininity and imperfections

If Venus stumbles. Between femininity and imperfections

For a lack of resources we were unable to translate this post in English. If you would like to help,…

Saturday April 21st, 2018
I see the way I seeI see the way I see

I see the way I see

How many times we felt alone hearing that question "Can you see?" Maybe we felt angry or a bit disappointed.…

Sunday April 8th, 2018