It is a fact that to date there are no cures or therapies for retinitis pigmentosa.
We have collected in this article all the treatments that circulate on the web, but in the same article it reads:
There are no univocal scientific confirmations. Each of these cures or presumed ones could have given benefits in specific cases and in particular conditions. In each of these treatments, placebo effect, psychological factors, environmental conditions, diet, age, … are very important factors.
The treatments accepted and shared by scientific circles are mainly in the experimental state
However, we must not abandon hope: at the end of 2019 this exciting news was spread: The Italian Institute of Technology created the first completely organic artificial retina, which will help millions of patients regain their vision.
While waiting for the progress of science, technology and medicine, what can be done?
Of course we don’t want to wait for life to go by, because although progress is getting faster and more promising, we don’t know when we can truly say: we have won the fight against retinitis pigmentosa.
We at NoisyVision recommend an activity: walking in nature, a journey on foot.
Obviously it is a provocation, in the sense that walking does not cure the disease itself, but increases the well-being of the person.
This applies to any disease or state of malaise, and therefore also to Retinitis Pigmentosa.
In fact one of the most important components for the maintenance of the visual residue is the LIFE STYLE>
This includes nutrition, physical activity and mental health.
Walking has a beneficial effect on all these factors.
You carry your own body weight when you walk. This is known as weight-bearing exercise. Some of the benefits include:
For all these reasons, any ophthalmologist will tell you that it is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and walking can only help you in this direction.
If you want more information, the web is full of articles on the benefits of walking which, as we read on this site, also apply to Retini Pigmentosa (Physical Activity and Quality of Life in Retinitis Pigmentosa)
Now that it is clear to you how important walking is, join us. These are the proposals for 2020 but we will continue to add them. Follow our Facebook page and subscribe to the newsletter.
All the trekkings with NoisyVision for 2020