Sunlight and retinitis pigmentosa: ordinary sunglasses or amber lenses?

Saturday June 25th, 2011

I state (and repeat) that Noisyvision is not a scientific website and information are based on experience and research of individual editors. However I decided to deal with this issue because we are trying to cover a range of different topics: medical, behavioral, psychological, perceptual, linked to retinitis pigmentosa (and hearing loss, since Noisyvision refers to Usher syndrome, although in this case we are dealing with an issue purely ophthalmological).

The paradox: retinitis pigmentosa cause a reduction in night vision, so who is suffering from this disease sees better during the day, but the ultraviolet light emitted from the sun damages the retina and often the sun dazzles strongly.
Ultraviolet radiation have great energy, which could create conditions of photooxidation stress resulting in cortical cataracts, conjunctivitis and deterioration of retinal diseases. As the blue light and ultraviolet worsen retinitis pigmentosa many ophthalmologists recommend ultraviolet filters on amber lenses for glasses to wear during the day, in order to slow the progression of this disease. However, in this case the solutions are not unique, because the different stages of progress and the presence of other complications direct the choice of glasses with different colors, shades and other characteristics, as well as to a different use. So the best solution is highly individual and should be the result of a compromise between medical advice and practical needs. Last but not least economic criterions

Cutoff filters lenses

As I said everyone should find his own best solution, but once established that these filters actually improve contrast and reduce harmful radition, you must choose the most suitable to combine the protection from ultraviolet radiation with optimal light conditions.
In my case, for example, light color lenses allow me to see when the sky is cloudy and dark lenses reduce glare.





I use the amber. They help a lot but i have to take them off as soon as i go inside
(D.D.S, on Facebook group Retinitis Pigmentosa)


After what has been said it seems unnecessary to treat the topic of common sunglasses, since the amber lenses seem to be the optimal choice in terms of protection, but there are some reasons why not everybody likes these gradations.

I own the gray tinted ones. They work best for me coz when it’s sunny, they block out the sunny-ness that hurts my eyes but still allow enough light to let me see. I did try the amber ones and they were alright but settled on the gray ones. (A.H, on Facebook group Retinitis Pigmentosa)

In my case, for example, glasses with orange lenses have a frame not too wrapping and they do not protect me adequately. They are perfect for snow and cloudy days or with a little haze, but they are also expensive, so I try to limit their use.
For a boat trip two years ago I bought the best on the market in terms of lenses. 500 euros for polarized lenses with cutoff filter. After less than 20 Nmiles they were already on the sea bed. A few years ago I lost a couple of amber glasses, again on the Ocean shore. Not that I want to please the fish or sharks, offering cool glasses, but since I lose and breake them very easily, even for the very problem of the reduced field of vision that does not allowme to identify obstacles above my head, I decided to buy the much deprecated sunglasses at the market stalls.

When you buy a pair of cheap sunglasses , often you wave the benefits of a good lens. For example, if your sunglasses offer no UV protection, it increases the exposure to UV rays. The cheap sunglasses block some of the light, causing the opening of the diaphragm to allow access to a bigger amount of light. This will cut down the natural barrier for the eye from UV radiation, increasing the possibility of causing damage to the retina.

However, for how little can be reliable a label with the CE mark applied on the lens and the confirmation of effective UV protection, it seems that even though they cost 5 or 10 euros that label is a guarantee and make them comparable to hundreds of euros glasses purchased at the optician.

Possibly could be the difference in the material of the frame, which can cause allergies and the lens, if they breake they could be harmful to the eye.
I certainly do not encourage the purchase of cheap glasses, but at least consider the possibility that the high cost of glasses are not only a commercial gimmick.

If it is true that protecting the eyes should be the most important thing, unfortunately you have to deal with the cost that this disease involves and among he variables of the compromise you have to consider also the money.
Any pair of glasses I buy, I always choose plastic frames, metal ones are uncomfortable to wear on your head when you lift them up for a brighter vision.


Effect of cut off filters on contrast perception in retinitis pigmentosa
Cheap vs. Expensive Sunglasses



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    Retinite Pigmenstosa ,malattie mitocondriali e distrofie vitreoretiniche

    A 2 persone piace questo elemento.


    Marzio B. Ho letto da qualche parte che, gli occhiali da sole consigliati per tutti, devono essere ambrati, soprattutto per noi che abbiamo la RP.

    Deborah B. a me hanno prescritto occhiali con lenti color melanzana e mi ci trovo molto bene...

    Milena M. adesso voglio fare gli occhiali tipo con lenti colorate color celeste però metà lente.sfumata tipo.per il pc.per i neon.che ne pensi?deborah?

    Deborah B. Ciao Milena Masciotti io non sono un'esperta ma il medico che mi segue mi ha inviato da una ortometrista molto in gamba che mi ha spiegato che per i malati di rp gli occhiali filtranti per proteggere meglio dalla luce ultravioletta devono appartenere alla gamma del rosso,infatti quelli da interno li ho arancioni........Tu hai la rp?

    Milena M. no,no,ho un bimbo con problemi di volevo fare per il pc,per i neon,per proteggere un pò l'occhio dalla luce.ecco.

    Deborah B. Ah,ok. Allora fatti consigliare da un bravo ortometrista o direttamente chiedi consiglio al tuo oculista di fiducia ^___^

    Dario Sorgato

    Dario Sorgato nemmeno io sono un esperto, ma in questo momento sono davanti al pc e sto utilizzando occhiali con lenti gialle prescritte dal medico. Ho dei dubbi sulle lenti azzurre


    Lisa A. le lenti azzurre a me hanno detto che aumentano troppo i contrarti e a lungo andare sforzano troppo l'occhio...non fanno bene...sono meglio tonalità ambrate....

    Andrea M. io per il sole uso delle lenti sono diverse tipologie di colorazione della lente e non è detto che quella che va bene a me va bene a un altra persona con la rp,bisogna vedere indossandole e facendo dei test visivi con quale c...

    Nadia G. io ho sentito 2 ortometristi: per il primo sembrava indifferente l'uso di lenti "ambrate" o "celesti", per il secondo le lenti "celesti" vengono date in presenza di epilessia... cosa che per fortuna non ho. Ora,tra qualche gg vado a prender...

    Cotoletta I. Si da' priorita' al tipo di occhiali a seconda di quante ore trascorriamo all'aperto o al chiuso, e in quel caso ti regolerai per l'acquisto. Le lenti da esterno dovresti provarle sia in una giornata soleggiata che nuvolosa (mi raccomando l...

    Deborah B. Per esperienza diretta vi posso dire che se il medico scrive che c'è la necessità clinica di due paia di occhiali uno x interno e uno x l'esterno l'asl li passa entrambi.

    Andrea M.sono d'accordo con cotoletta,non bisogna risparmiare mai sulle lenti,di qualsiasi genere esse siano,vi assicuro che una lente di qualità offre una visione del contrasto e dei colori nettamente superiore a una lente più economica...e il gioco credetemi non vale la candela....spendeteli una volta sola i soldi ma spendeteli bene!

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