Here is a collection of videos that explain how a person with low vision sees.
It is ofteh nard to explain to other people how you see, but surely these videos are helpful to understand Retinitis PIgmentosa, Stargardt or Macular Degeneration.
Read A YouTuber, also known as a YouTube personality or YouTube celebrity, is a type of internet celebrity and videographer who has gained popularity from their videos on the video-sharing website, YouTube.
Read We aim to create an useful and extensive list of APPS and DEVICES which can facilitate the life of blind and visually impaired people.
Read Last week the International Symposium on Usher Syndrome was held in Mainz. It was a 3-day event, we only attended the patient’s symposium as I was afraid that the 2 scientific days would be too complicated to follow anyway (and I would be braindead before the patient program even started…).
Read Exactly one year ago the #YellowReykjavik workshop began
Summer solstice is a good reminder, as it translates into midnight sun in Iceland: the dream of many visually impaired people with limited night vision.
Read Artemisia e.V. und NoisyVision
#YellowTheWorld – Eine inklusive Tandem-Tour
eine zweistündige Tandem-Tour für blinde, sehbehinderte oder andere Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung.
Read Artemisia e.V. and NoisyVision organize
a two-hour tandem tour to involve blind, visually impaired and other people with mild disabilities, who will enjoy a tandem ride guided by able-bodied volunteer pilots.
Read The Italian version of this post explains how to donate the 5X1000 to NoisyVision. This is a way to donate the 0,5% of your taxes to an association or organisation of your choice, at the moment of the tax declaration.
Read The TEDxBrescia video is in Italian. You can watch it anywas.