Dario Sorgato

Usher Syndrome worldwide: The best wepages written and/or created by Usher people

When it comes to finding information in general, most people use the internet. Of course, it also applies to search…

Friday July 22nd, 2011

Why is it embarrassing to wear hearing aids?

Those who wear hearing aids know that. Children feel different, the only ones in the class to have something behind…

Wednesday July 20th, 2011

Visually and Hearing impaired: it is expensive!

Some time ago I came across a video where a deafblind lady makes some interesting considerations associated with visual and…

Tuesday July 12th, 2011

I sordomuti non esistono. O sei sordo o sei ipoacusico. Alcune precisazioni

Sorry, this entry is only available in Italian

Sunday July 3rd, 2011

Usher Syndrome and Facebook. The best and most followed pages to be always updated on Retinitis Pigmentosa and Hearing Loss

Almost all those who are suffering from rare and incurable diseasefeel the need to be in touch with others and…

Friday July 1st, 2011

Psychological aspects related to Usher Syndrome. How low vision and hearing loss transform the personality

Writing an article about psychology in relation to disability, and in particular, to Usher syndrome is a challenge not to…

Saturday June 25th, 2011

Sunlight and retinitis pigmentosa: ordinary sunglasses or amber lenses?

I state (and repeat) that Noisyvision is not a scientific website and information are based on experience and research of…

Saturday June 25th, 2011

When Usher Syndrome is a superpower. The considerations of a superhero with retinitis pigmentosa

Often when people hear about retinitis pigmentosa or Usher syndrome, they become sad, look down, they put a hand on…

Wednesday June 15th, 2011

Dating and Usher syndrome. Implications of visual and hearing impairment

When I was about 23 I began to realize that soon I should put the driving license between the memories…

Monday June 13th, 2011