Tales in Sombre Tones: an accessible art show.


Tales in Sombre Tones is an exciting new touring show with the specific aim of opening up art and literature for all. The public events are free and in addition to the artwork of UK artist Karen Ruffles of Drawing in Dark, feature short story readings by American author Sean Walter from their illustrated anthology of the same name.

As well as tempting art lovers and fans of the darker side of literature, the tour makes sure audiences not normally catered for by exhibitions get a kick out of the show. 3D versions of the illustrations are being created for the blind and partially sighted so they can discover the artwork that accompanies the stories being read aloud. The readings themselves are supported by screened interpretations by BSL professional Sara Mclanaghan for the hearing impaired.

Stop motion animations using Karen’s desk models add a lighter note to welcome those unsure about exhibitions in general. The emphasis is on inclusion, on making everyone welcome and part of something exciting. They want the audience to have as much fun out of experiencing Tales in Sombre Tones as they did creating it all.

The tour is working its way around the UK from Halloween 2019, with plans to take it internationally and copies of each element are being donated to an appropriate organisation (to be selected at the end of the UK tour) to make sure the work continues to be available to groups unable to attend the initial events. In addition, an online version of the shows including as many access materials as possible is being built for everyone to enjoy, especially if unable to physically attend an event.

Project website https://www.talesinsombretones.com

Project Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TalesinSombreTones

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