All the cures for Retinitis Pigmentosa


This article aims to collect all the cures for retinitis pigmentosa found on the internet in a single list.
A way to do you a favor and avoid browsing through a myriad of websites.
If you ended on this webpage you are probably looking for a cure for yourself or for a friend of yours, or for a close relative. In any case directly or indirectly you are involved with retinitis pigmentosa.

I know. It is difficult to accept this disease and above all to surrender to the fact that there is no cure. They told you so many, but you insist on not believing.

How is it possible that man, the same man who went to the moon, at the bottom of the abysses of the oceans, the same who built long bridges, high skyscrapers, the same that found the cure for the most deadly diseases, has not yet found a way to stop the death of photoreceptors, so small, that you did not even know you had them until they told you: you have retinitis pigmentosa, your visual field is shrinking, your visual acuity is getting worse and it is possible that this will lead to total loss of sight.

What a blow!

We’ve all been there. All of us retinopaths. I’ve been there too.
This is my story.

But let’s get back to the care.

There are no univocal scientific confirmations. Each of these cures or presumed ones could have given benefits in specific cases and in particular conditions. In each of these treatments, placebo effect, psychological factors, environmental conditions, diet, age, … are very important factors.
The treatments accepted and shared by scientific circles are mainly in the experimental state


The best thing you can do is to cure yourself with life. Continue to live positively. Browsing through the articles on this website, among the posts on our Facebook page, you will find examples and stories of those who have decided not to be overwhelmed by discouragement and to continue to dream, with passion, with strength and courage.

However this is the list of some of the most popular websites.

The most reliable source to find if there are ongoing trials is


Genetic therapies
Restoration of high-sensitivity and adapting vision with a cone opsin – 21 March 2019
Researchers find potential new gene therapy for blinding disease
20 August 2018
Gene Therapy May Stop Blindness From Retinitis Pigmentosa – no date

Hyperbaric Oxygen (HBO) Therapy
Slowing the degenerative process, long lasting effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in retinitis pigmentosa. – January 2008

Retinal transplants, artificial retina and bionic eyes
Blind Patients to Test Bionic Eye Brain Implants – 18 September 2017
Blinded by Retinitis Pigmentosa, Man Receives “Bionic Eye” – 27 October 2016

Stem-Cell Therapy
jCyte Shares Encouraging Update on Clinical Trial for Retinitis Pigmentosa- 15 December 2017
Wu Medical Center, Bejing, China


Transcorneal electrical stimulation for the treatment of retinitis pigmentosa
RI OkuStim® therapy, 
A transcorneal electrical stimulation – Aug 2017
A Prospective, Randomized, Sham-Controlled Follow-up Study Over 1 Year. – Jan 2017
Transcorneal Electrical Stimulation for the Treatment of Retinitis Pigmentosa – a Safety and Efficacy Multicenter Study (TES/RP) – 14 Setpember 2015

Can acupuncture therapy help patients with retinitis-pigmentosa? – Decembre 2017
Is Acupuncture a Beneficial Treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa? – 5 Novembre 2013
Acupuncture Improves Eyesight for Retinitis Pigmentosa – 2 Novembre 2013
Best Retinitis Pigmentosa And Acupuncture Treatment Guide – no date
Why in Some Cases Acupuncture Doesn’t Work for Retinitis Pigmentosa?

Cuban treatment
Is there evidence supporting the Cuban treatment for retinitis pigmentosa? – no date
Cuban Treatment for Retinits Pigmentosa
Cuban Treatment for Retinits Pigmentosa

Cannabis and Marijuana
Cannabis and Blindness: Study offers hope to Retinitis Pigmentosa sufferers
The Effects of Cannabis on Visual Functions in Healthy and Retinitis Pigmentosa Patients
Marijuana May Prevent Blindness In Retinitis Pigmentosa Sufferers
Study Shows THC In Cannabis May Help Delay Retinal Degeneration, Vision Loss

Retinitis Pigmentosa – Natural Treatment Methods
Alternative Therapies and offers of treatment for Retinitis Pigmentosa
Retinitis Pigmentosa natural treatment, supplements herbs and vitamins – 10 Febbraio 2016
Effective Retinitis Pigmentosa Treatment in Ayurveda


Important tips

  • DISTRUST THE APPROFICTERS AND CIARLATANS. There will be many doctors and ophthalmologists who will try to sell you their treatments, more or less verified, to have case studies and human guinea pigs for their research. Even worse, other doctors will try to get your money by leveraging your despair and hope.
  • Protect your eyes from sunlight.
  • Avoid bad habits that can ruin your vision
  • Get psychological support to better face the path of this pathology.

DISCLAIMER: Not having specific medical knowledge, the staff of NoisyVision is exempt from any responsibility regarding the truthfulness and reliability of the sources.
The post purely aims to collect what has been written and published in the field of research on therapies and treatments.

This post is constantly updated. help us to make it more accurate and reliable by reporting interesting and / or inappropriate articles. Write your comments below

9 comments from the community

  1. Prima regola: non leggiamo articoli che non riportano la data di pubblicazione. E’ anche questo un sistema che, nel migliore dei casi, serve a confondere le idee a chi legge, facendo passare per attualita’ notizie o eventi in realta’ Vecchi di diversi anni. Un titolo che recita per esempio “Sconfitta lanretinite pigmentosa dalle terapie a base di ossigeno” ma datato 2010 da’ subito l’idea dello scarso successo che quella terapia ha incontrato. Senza indicazione della data di pubblicazione si sara’ invece portati a leggere l’articolo pensando che quella terapia e la valutazione positiva che ne da’ il titolo siano di assoluta attualita’.

  2. Sono il papa di un “ragazzo ” di 9 anni affetto da rp x-Linked da ieri siamo membri del polo ipovedenti del policlinico gemelli.Mio figlio,il mio campione,non sa cosa ha,o forse si ma ancora non me ne rendo conto.
    A breve dovremmo io e mia moglie mettere a conoscenza il bimbo stiamo seguendo un percorso psicologico perche non sappiamo cosa fare,non abbiamo le parole e forse in fondo in fondo non abbiamo ancora accettato,e forse non lo acceteremo mai.
    Credo in dio padre onnipotente,spero nella medicina e confido in tutti voi affetti direttamente o indirettamente da questa o da qualsiasi malattia rara in un appoggio morale per far si che domani sia sempre più bello di oggi.
    Un abbraccio forte e sincero

  3. Caro Fabrizio. Grazie per il tuo commento.
    Credo che stiate facendo già le cose nel modo migliore, ovvero farvi sostenere da uno psicologo per poi trovare i modi e tempi migliori per informare vostro figlio .
    Sicuramente lo deve sapere quanto prima ed essere poi accompagnato nel suo percorso di accettazione, che sarà forse più semplice del vostro.
    Forza. Anche la.vita da ipovedenti può essere fantastica.

  4. Caro Fabrizio non disperare , informa tuo figlio , ma dagli tante speranze . Sono sicuro che molto presto riusciranno a sconfiggere questo mostro . Io forse non farò in tempo a godere di questi benefici , anche se non sono in condizioni critiche . Comunque sono sicuro che presto ci sarà la notizia che tutti aspettiamo .

  5. Thank you soooo much for this! 🙂
    I’ve tried the”Restore Vision” treatment in Berlin, Germany, a couple of years ago and it helped me see better in dim places.
    I’m thinking of trying a stem cell therapy soon but a scientist’s lecture on its dangerous downsides discouraged me a little…
    Any advice on a therapy you tried that had excellent results, please?

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