We’re all on the same boat. Crew and Sponsors of Even Neptune Like It Yellow.

Wednesday June 12th, 2019

Some weeks ago we started to work  es on the organization of this ambitious project which will see a group of blind, visually impaired and normal sighted sail from 24 to 31 August from Naples to the Island of Elba, passing by Ischia, Ponza and the Argentario.

Following the statement sent by the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired, signed by Mario Barbuto, national president, we received several requests that allowed us to complete the crew.

We are in constant contact with the Adriatica captain, Bruno Morelli and the Velisti per Caso staff, for all the technical details that we must arrange and clarify.
It is really a complex logistic and management operation and we are looking for contacts in Naples that can help us on the day of departure with the operations to make the galley (going to the supermarket, to the market, ….). We need a means of transport and someone who knows Naples and the best places to go shopping. If you are one of these or you know someone, please contact us.

Also these days we have obtained the patronage of important associations dealing with visual impairment in Italy.
Perhaps there is no better time to use the slogan “We are all on the same boat” which is usually purely metaphorical.
In fact, precisely because we are disabled, visual or otherwise, we often exchange solidarity messages referring to this slogan.
Already used also by the artist Abramovic for the fiftieth anniversary of the Barcolana, with this project, as with the others labelled NoisyVision and marked by the yellow, the “all” does not refer to the disabled, but to people, regardless of physical limitations.
Because we are really ALL on the same boat, from Naples to Elba or from today to the future, we are making the journey together.
Getting the support of these associations is important to show that we want to continue to build bridges between the different realities, to combine efforts and create opportunities that are in fact for the benefit of people with visual disabilities but always with a view to inclusion.

Here are the associations and sponsoring bodies.

Obviously we have the patronage of Velisti per Caso. Although it was a television broadcast of Syusy Blady and Patrizio Roversi for Rai 3, today it is the group that manages Adriatica and the projects linked to it.

Italian Naval League – National Presidency
The Italian Naval League gathers in the Association citizens who voluntarily work to spread to the Italian people, especially among young people, the love for the sea and the knowledge of maritime problems, developing promotional, cultural, sporting, environmental and naturalistic initiatives suitable for achieving of the statutory purposes.

Associazione Disabili Visivi Onlus
established in 1970 to bring together blind radio amateurs, today it is a national, non-profit association for the social and cultural promotion of the blind and visually impaired. It has extended its activities to all the technological sectors that lend themselves to increasing the autonomy and social integration of Italian visually impaired people.

Handarpermare Onlus
was born at the beginning of 2004 on the initiative of a small group of friends from Imperia, who shared two uncommon characteristics: a remarkable personal sensitivity towards physical and mental distress and the great passion for the sea and sailing.

vEyes Onlus
vEyes aims to create technological aids for children with visual disabilities, to be released for free and to study, from the clinical and genetic point of view, the hereditary degenerative retinal dystrophies, with particular reference to retinitis pigmentosa, to manage in a non-profit way both free social activities (psychological support for children suffering from these diseases and their families, eye care advice, training) as well as the scientific ones carried out which, in the meantime, have extended towards assistive technologies in general, towards the creation of tools of support for medical, biomedical, bioinformatic and genetic researches, with particular attention to degenerative diseases, which lead as a primary consequence to a serious loss of visus, up to total blindness. In addition, it deals with prevention, always in the field of vision diseases, in favor of children who are affected.

A.N.P.V.I. – Ass.ne Naz.le Privi della Vista ed Ipovedenti
The A.N.P.V.I. is an association set up in a moral body with Presidential Decree No. 126 dated 13 February 1981 to which blind, visually impaired people and all citizens who share the aims can join: they carry out many activities of protection, representation and social promotion in favor of the deprived of sight and the visually impaired, taking care of welfare, social security, job placement, education and finding new job opportunities.

Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired – ONLUS-APS Provincial Section of Naples
The Italian Union of the Blind and the Visually Impaired ONLUS, in the abbreviation UICI, is a moral body with legal personality under private law, to which the law and the statute entrust the representation and protection of the moral and material interests of the blind and visually impaired in against the public administration.

Associazione Volontari Gruppo Elba
Association that deals with proposing summer holidays for disabled people and organizes meetings every week with activities of all kinds, while every month it organizes trips to different locations.

Sassi Turchini
Sassi Turchini is an accommodation facility dedicated to social tourism. A fixed point for those in search of a fully accessible vacation and believes in the possibility of transforming differences into resources.

Today we have two sponsors,
BanksSails that will give us a stay with the logo of the event and our hashtag #YellowTheWorld
ICEP S.p.A. – Industria Cementi Prefabbricati with a donationthat will allow cities to cover the costs of T-shirts and will lighten the costs borne by the participants.
Pasta Di Martino donated pasta for the entire journey

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