Ten tips to guiding a person with sight loss


This list was take from RNIB website

Another interesting post on the topic is here

The advice given here will help you feel confident about guiding a person with sight loss:

  1. Always offer assistance first, not everyone will need help
  2. Introduce yourself – ask the person where they want to go and how they wish to be guided
  3. Ensure you are one step ahead of the person you are guiding
  4. Give instructions where necessary but don’t overdo it
  5. Be aware of hazards at ground level and at head height
  6. When guiding, give information about the people who are present and the environment as you move around
  7. Explain your actions
  8. When approaching seating, tell the person where the seat is and guide their hand to the back and seat of the chair, so that they can sit down independently
  9. Remember to allow extra space around obstacles
  10. Remember if someone is blind, it doesn’t always mean they have no sight at all.

One comment from the community

  1. Aggiungerei… 11 …in casa, nel caso in cui l’ipovedente accenda le luci in una stanza in cui è anche se fuori c’è il sole, lasciatela accesa. Se l’accende non è perché vuole fare un dispetto…ma probabilmente gli torna utile.

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