Dance therapy, to see with the body what the eyes do not see

Tuesday September 18th, 2018

Elizabetta Vianello is a member of NoisyVision since just a few days but she seems to embody and live in a perfect way those who are our principles: to go beyond the limit, awareness and acceptance of limits. After telling us of her theatrical experience, she writes about the value of dance therapy, she is fortunate to practice with a teacher of the highest level, Elena Cerruto.

For about fifteen years I have been practicing dance therapy with Elena Cerruto, classical dancer and choreographer who, following the method of María Fux, Argentinian dancer, has developed a method of dance therapy between East and West.
Dance therapy is a dance made for everyone, a dance that helps us to live more harmoniously and to bring out our most intimate, most hidden emotions.
In today’s society many people are prisoners of their emotions and this makes them suffer.
Every day emotions are born in the depths of one’s being, but often we are not listening or we judge the emotions themselves before they go out. To dance freely, in a space where one is not judged and criticized by anyone, where one can let oneself go, making everything that is inside come out, helps people to unblock many tensions.
From the beginning I realized that dance therapy could be a means to bring out my most hidden, secret emotions from the bottom of my heart and, in this way, help me overcome blocks and complexes caused by my visual handicap that in part I still have.
The dance also helped me to move better in the space around me.
When I enter the dance room, my pace is a bit ‘uncertain, I’m a bit’ awkward and clumsy, but then, little by little, the music that makes me move, transforms the space from enemy to friend. Then I can move with simplicity and a certain ease, going over the limit, seeing with my body what I can not see with my eyes.
Thanks to the dance I can gain a greater awareness of my body: correct wrong attitudes, rediscover some forgotten movements, I can unlock physical and mental tensions, gaining greater confidence in my abilities and the “I can not” becomes “I can”.
By Elena they dance barefoot. This is not madness, but a way to leave out their fears, their problems, along with shoes. Thus, thanks to the dance, we arrive at a real transformation at the end of the meeting.

At the end of each meeting I feel more serene and when I go out, to go home, everything seems easier: walking down the street, going to the bar, taking the subway …
From the beginning I have been playing in an integrated group with sighted people and, if I have to tell the truth, I have never felt different. Sometimes some proposals made by the dance therapist were a bit ‘difficult and I could not perform them, such as when it came to cutting sheets of paper in triangles and then draw on it, but even on this occasion I felt different ! At that moment I just felt angry and I thought:
“Why can not I do it?”
In the group, in which I do everything that other viewers do, such as drawing, painting, I feel accepted as a “person” because it enhances what I can do, but at the same time I become aware of my limits, learning to accept them .
Dance therapy has become truly a way of life.
Here is my poem about dance

Dancing is like dreaming,
enter an enchanted world
where to whirl, fall, sit,
let yourself go to the breath
to be cradled by him
The feet are like roots,
the legs the trunk,
the arms of the branches of a tree
that grows, grows more and more up
up there,
to receive the light,
an infinite Light.
Dancing is like hovering in the wind
Like free birds,
without fear
going beyond borders,
beyond invisible barriers
that are inside of us.
To dance is to feel myself,
without fear, worry,
but with a great sweetness,
a great desire to run towards others,
in the world
to kiss them, hug them
and give them that great fire of love that I feel in my heart.

I want to conclude by saying that if someone, reading my article, wanted to practice dance therapy with Elena Cerruto, she can contact me through the contact form of this site

Elisabetta Vianello

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