I was in my room, reorganizing some documents. I took the package, collected in a folder, of course yellow. Patronage, municipal resolutions, various email .. I was looking at those sheets when suddenly I saw THE CERTIFICATE.
And in that moment I realized I was really back to reality. In the days after the adventure I always had a part of me as spiritually detached from the body. My head and a piece of the heart were on the paths that once were traveled by the Romans. Several times the sweet scent of brooms was recalled from my memory, and I promptly turned in search of that flowery yellow frame that surrounded the group of brave adventurers throughout the journey.
Thinking back to those days on the Apennines I have often wondered if it was all a bubble or if the bubble is the daily life in which we live without realizing, to which we are now accustomed too. Many, too many perhaps, emotions I have collected putting one foot after the other, following these new friends, these life companions I just met.
And so, finally, I’m here to tell you all those intense days, starting with presentations of those who were by my side in this magnificent adventure.
Timo (Finalnd)
Kristinn & Kristin (Iceland)